Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Our dental cosmetic procedures include dental veneers, teeth whitening, dental crowns, and the use of white fillings.

About this service

Cosmetic Dentistry

The objective of cosmetic dentistry is to make a real improvement to the overall look of your smile. It can range from treatment as simple as whitening the teeth and fixing a few minor cosmetic problems to a more holistic approach involving augmentation and skin treatments.


Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns

Why Choose Dental Crowns?

There are many reasons to consider a crown as a solution, functionality, for example. A large section of your tooth may have fractured, and be beyond the help of traditional bonding techniques. The tooth may be too badly decayed to support a filling or an inlay. Furthermore, over time your teeth may have physically worn down to the point where they need to be restored to their original size.

Another possible reason is that you have just had a root canal operation or a titanium implant fitted, and may need a crown placed to strengthen the results.

You may, of course, just want a crown to improve the aesthetics of your smile. While this is possible, you should bear in mind that a significant amount of the original tooth may have to be removed and therefore consideration should be given to whether a less intrusive treatment such as veneers could get the results for which you are looking.

 What are Dental Veneers?

Veneers are used to make teeth look natural and straight by improving their colour, shape and position. They are particularly effective when teeth are discoloured, broken, chipped or crooked. Each veneer is individually made for you to fit perfectly over the surface of your existing teeth. They perfectly match the colour, appearance and translucence of your natural teeth, restoring, and often enhancing your appearance. Several visits are necessary to complete treatment.

The most popular type of veneers are porcelain which offer a stronger and more durable alternative to its composite counterpart. Porcelain veneers also offer a natural translucent tooth-like appearance and are more resistant to staining than dental composite veneers.

Traditionally veneers are placed over two visits to the cosmetic dentist.

The first visit is for preparation of the tooth and to take an impression and the second, to fit the veneer after it has been fabricated by a dental technician.

Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges

What Are Dental Bridges?

A dental bridge is an excellent way of restoring the appearance of a patient’s smile if they are missing one or two teeth or if they prefer not to wear dentures. They are effective at restoring a natural smile, holding the remaining teeth in place, and reducing the susceptibility of the patients remaining teeth to decay and gum disease.

The bridge is a custom made permanent false tooth that is fixed to the remaining teeth.  The results can be excellent with both good function and appearance.

Dental Bridges are made of metal and porcelain or sometimes just porcelain. The teeth can be matched to the colour of your own teeth. We prepare the teeth that will support the bridge to take the fixings and to make sure that the bridge is not too bulky.

At Ford Dental Surgery we take an impression of the teeth and any gaps, and our dental technician uses this to make the bridge. A temporary bridge or temporary crown may be fitted in the meantime.

At your final visit, we check that the bridge fits, make any minor adjustments and then fix it permanently in place. Your dentist or hygienist will show you the best way of keeping your new dental bridge clean.

Commonly Asked Questions

How Long Do Dental Bridges Last?

Dental bridges can last five to 15 + years. With good oral hygiene and regular check-ups, a fixed dental bridge could easily last over 10years.

Is it hard to Eat with a Dental Bridge?

Replacing missing teeth with a dental bridge should actually make eating easier. Until you become accustomed to the bridge, eat soft foods that have been cut into small pieces.

Do dental bridges effect speech?

It can be difficult to speak clearly when teeth are missing in the front or anterior areas. Wearing a dental bridge with the anterior teeth in their proper relationship will help you speak properly.

How do I care for a bridge?

It is important to keep your remaining teeth healthy and strong as the success of the bridge depends on the solid foundation offered by the surrounding teeth. Brushing twice a day and flossing daily helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease that can lead to tooth loss.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Why teeth whitening?

If your teeth are stained from general use and ageing, tooth decay, fillings or tartar build-up then they can become discoloured.  Teeth whitening can be highly effective at enhancing people's appearance, hence why it has become so widely used. It is now popular with both men and women of all ages that are looking to achieve a fresh smile through a short, non- invasive procedure.

The Process

What is involved?

Your dentist will start by giving your teeth a good clean in order to remove any surface stains or tartar. They will then record the shade of your teeth using either a colour chart or by taking a digital photograph.

At Home with whitening trays.

An impression is taken of your teeth and two custom made trays are made to contain the whitening gel. Patients take the trays and gel home and wear the trays for prolonged periods (usually through the night) for several sessions until the bleaching process is complete.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are my teeth discoloured?

Teeth lose their natural colour for many reasons, but the main causes of teeth looking yellow are food and drink, oral hygiene and age.

Drinks such as tea, coffee and red wine, and certain fruits such as blueberries stain teeth quite badly. Smoking is another common culprit.

Can I have my teeth whitened if I have cavities or gum problems?

Before treatment you will always be seen by one of our dentists to make sure that having your teeth whitened is right for you.

It is not a good idea to have your teeth whitened if you have existing dental problems because the whitening agent can aggravate any cavity or gum problems.

How long will my teeth stay white?

The treatment has a long term impact on lightening the colour of your teeth but they will not be immune to the same discolouring as they previously suffered. Stains build up on your teeth from everyday living.

Tea, coffee, red wine, tobacco and spicy foods can all dull your teeth’s natural colour. To maintain the impact of the treatment it is advisable to brush your teeth more frequently.

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